
  • Katagami-shi, Akita Prefecture, Japan
  • JPY 160,024.00 per month

Job Description:

A farmer is an individual who engages in agricultural activities, cultivating crops and/or raising livestock for food production or other agricultural purposes. Farmers play a crucial role in food production, providing essential resources for communities and contributing to the overall agricultural industry.

The responsibilities of a farmer can vary depending on the type of farming they specialize in, such as crop farming, livestock farming, or a combination of both. They are involved in various tasks throughout the farming cycle, from planning and preparing the land to harvesting and selling the agricultural products.

Crop farmers focus on cultivating plants and crops for various purposes, including food, fiber, or industrial materials. They prepare the soil, plant seeds, apply fertilizers and pesticides, monitor plant growth, and take measures to protect crops from pests, diseases, and adverse weather conditions. Crop farmers may specialize in specific crops, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, or cash crops.

Livestock farmers primarily raise animals for meat, milk, eggs, or other agricultural products. They provide proper care and nutrition to their livestock, ensure their health and well-being, and manage breeding, birthing, and herd management. Livestock farmers may work with cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep, goats, or other animals depending on their specialization.

Farmers also handle various other tasks essential for their operations, such as maintaining farm equipment and machinery, managing irrigation systems, keeping records, and marketing their products. They may make decisions on crop rotation, land management practices, and agricultural technology adoption to optimize production and sustainability.


  • A minimum of 1 year(s) of working experience is required.
  • Candidates must be at least a high school graduate.
  • Must be N4 level with prometrics
  • Ex-trainee finish 3 years in Japan
  • Must have JFT and prometrics for cultivation

About Company

Sanko Employment Solutions Incorporated is a licensed recruitment agency in the Philippines. It is managed by a team of experienced professionals who specialize in providing manpower to various industries.

The companys main objective is to contract, recruit, and supply professional, skilled, and semi-skilled workers for overseas employment. Additionally the company acts as agents for individuals or firms in need of manpower supply. Sanko Employment Solutions has provided exceptional service to clients in Asia, the Middle East, and North America. Notably. The company has successfully placed workers at all levels and departments in the Technical & Administrative field. With Japan being its major client.

Placement Fee

This job has no placement fee.

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